A-B-C-D | E-F-G | H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O | P-Q-R-S | T-U-V-Z
ELISA: Abbreviation for “Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Array”. It is a classic method for detecting the presence of antibodies in the blood. It is a simple, rapid and inexpensive technique. This method is the basis of the HIV serological test. The ELISA test is reliable but does not have 100% certainty, so any positive result must be verified and controlled by another confirmatory or supplementary method.
ENDOCRINE GLANDS: Glands that produce hormones and secrete them into the bloodstream. Multiple glands in the human body include the testicles and ovaries.
ENDOMETRIUM: The epithelium that lines the cavity of the uterus. If an egg is fertilized, it implants in the endometrium and an embryo begins to develop. Cyclically, if no egg is implanted in it, the endometrium is eliminated during the process of menstruation. Its structure changes with age and with the menstrual cycle.
EPIDIDYMIS: Each of the clusters of tubules where the spermatozoa newly produced by the testicle are stored and mature, before entering the vas deferens, prior to ejaculation.
EPIMENORRHEA: Menstruation that occurs at excessively short intervals.
EPISIORRHAPHY: Suture of lacerations on the vulva.
EPISIOTOMY: Incision of the perineum during childbirth performed to prevent vaginal, vulvar or perineal tearing by controlled enlargement of the vaginal opening.
ERECTILE: Tissue of spongy characteristics, which can be filled with blood and thus increase in volume and consistency.
ERECTION: Increase in volume and hardening of the penis, clitoris or nipples, during sexual stimulation.
EROGEN: That produces sexual desire.
EROGENOUS ZONE: Those parts of the body that are especially sensitive to sexual stimulation (genitals, breast area, etc.).
EROTIC: That which relates to the stimulation of desire or tends to sexual pleasure.
EROTOGEN: That which produces sexual excitement or is sensitive to it.
ESTROGEN: Female sex hormone par excellence, one of several steroid hormones secreted primarily by the ovaries. It stimulates changes in the female reproductive organs during the menstrual cycle and promotes the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of women in adolescence.
EUNUCH: Man whose external genitals have been removed.
EXCITATION: Action of provoking changes in the body, due to physical and mental stimuli, that prepare it for coitus.
EXHIBITIONISM: A paraphilia in which a person is aroused and takes pleasure in displaying their external genitalia in public. It is more common in some men who feel compulsive pleasure in displaying their penis in public, although it is not exclusive to sex.
EXTERNAL GENITALIA: External sexual organs: penis and testicles in the male; vulva, labia, clitoris and vagina in the female.
EYACULATION: Expulsion of semen from the penis.
EYACULATORY ANHEDONIA: Lack of pleasure when ejaculating. In other words, lack of the psychophysical component of orgasm while emission or ejaculation is present. Uncommon disorder, but compatible with psychic depression or sequelae of stress of any origin.
FELLATIO: A form of oral sex in which the tongue or mouth is used to stimulate the penis.
FEMALE PRESERVATIVE: It is an alternative prevention method to the male condom, which protects against unwanted pregnancies, HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections. It consists of a transparent nitrile sheath, with two flexible rings at both ends, one on the inside that allows placement inside the vagina and another of a larger diameter that will remain on the outside of the vagina covering the external genitalia of the woman.
FERTILE: Capable of conceiving.
FERTILE PERIOD: The periovulatory period is a woman’s most fertile days. Therefore, if you are looking for a pregnancy, it can be useful to determine when ovulation is going to occur with menstrual calendars or ovulation tests.
FERTILIZATION: Penetration of the cell membrane of an egg by a sperm. Once fertilized, the egg receives the missing half of chromosomal information and initiates cell duplication, thus beginning the development of the embryo.
FETISHISM: Paraphilia, a form of compulsive sexual behavior in which the manipulation of an inanimate object or body part other than the genitals is necessary for sexual gratification.
FLAGELLATION: Erotic stimulation derived from whipping or being whipped.
FORBES-ALBRIGHT SYNDROME: Combination of abundant milk secretion and absence of menses unrelated to recent pregnancy or acromegaly; believed to be caused by excessive prolactin production, as occurs in some pituitary tumors.
FORCEPS: Special forceps used in obstetrics to hold the fetal head and provide traction on it in difficult deliveries.
FOREPLAY: Caresses and stimuli made by each member of the couple towards the other in order to sexually arouse him/her.
FORESKIN: Retractile fold of skin covering the glans penis at the end of the penis.
FRENYL: Ligament that holds the foreskin to the glans penis at the bottom of the penis.
FRIGIDITY: Absence of desire or sexual enjoyment.
FROTTAGE: The act of rubbing any part of the body, including the buttocks, breasts, abdomen, thighs, feet, hands, legs and sexual organs against the partner, either naked or clothed, but without penetration.
G-SPOT: The Grafenberg point, a small area in the vagina that is particularly responsive to stimulation.
GAY: Homosexual.
GENITAL HERPES: Viral disease caused by sexual contact, the lesions of which are characterized by small painful ulcers on the external genitalia.
GENITAL WARTS: Small papillary excrescences or warts on or around the genitals. They may be vulgar warts, or sexually transmitted condylomatous (viral) warts.
GIGOLO: A young man who is kept by a woman, generally older than him, in exchange for lending her his company or having sexual relations with her.
GLANS: The rounded part that forms the end of the penis or clitoris.
GONADECTOMY: Surgical removal of an ovary or testicle.
GONADS: The ovaries in women or the testicles in men. Also called sex glands.
GONORRHEA (GONOCOCIA or BLENNORRHAGIA): Sexually transmitted disease, caused by the microbe Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. It causes infections in the male and female urethra (urinary tract) and in the cervical canal of the uterine cervix, as well as in the Bartholin’s glands in women.
GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE: A small sac or pouch of the ovary, in which the ovum matures and from which it is released at ovulation.
GROUP SEX: Number greater than two, of people who perform various sexual activities with each other at the same time.
GYMNOPHOBIA: Morbid fear of the sight of naked bodies.
GYNAECOMASTIA: It is an irregularity that can appear in the male breasts. This disorder appears when a man suffers an excess of development in one or both breasts.
GYNANDROMORPH: Individual with male and female characteristics.
GYNATRESIA: Occlusion of part of the female genital tract, usually the vagina.
GYNECOMANIA: Insatiable sexual desire for women.
GYNEPHOBIA: Morbid fear or aversion to women (misogyny).