A-B-C-D | E-F-G | H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O | P-Q-R-S | T-U-V-Z
HEDONISTIC: Pertaining or relating to pleasure or caused by it.
HERMAPHRODITE: An individual possessing genital tissue of both sexes, i.e., ovarian and testicular tissue.
HETEROSEXUAL OR STRAIGHT: A person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex, exclusively.
HIRSUTISM: Abnormal excess of hair, especially in women.
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which causes AIDS.
HYMEN: A thin membrane that partially covers the entrance to the vagina in women who have not had sexual intercourse.
HOMOSEXUAL: A person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex, exclusively.
HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION: Drugs based on synthetic estrogens and progestogens, which block the woman’s ovulatory capacity, preventing pregnancy.
HORMONE: A chemical substance produced by an endocrine gland. Some of these hormones, the sex hormones produced by the gonads, play an important role in sexual and reproductive functions.
HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY: Use of natural or synthetic hormones to counteract some of the effects of menopause, such as vaginal dryness.
HYPERMENORRHEA: Hypermenorrhea, included within the gynecological hemorrhages, consists of heavy bleeding with menstruation, either by quantity or duration.
HYPEROVARISM: Abnormal increase in the functional activity of the ovaries that results in sexual precocity in young girls.
HYPOMENORRHEA: Hypomenorrhea is a decrease in the amount and/or duration of menstrual flow. This term is the inverse of hypermenorrhea.
HYPOPHYSIS GLAND: The main endocrine gland of the body with the capacity to regulate many other glands of the organism. Located at the base of the brain, it secretes hormones that regulate the action of the testicles and ovaries, which are also endocrine glands.
HYSTERECTOMY: Surgical act of removal of the uterus which can be total or partial.
INCEST: Sexual relations (heterosexual or homosexual) between very close relatives, for example, between parents and children, or siblings.
INFERTILITY: A disease of the male or female reproductive system consisting of the inability to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
IMPLANTATION: Fixation of an egg (fertilized egg) in the endometrium of the uterus.
IMPOTENCE: Male sexual dysfunction that results in the inability to achieve an erection or to maintain it long enough for sexual intercourse or the ability to ejaculate.
INTERFERON: An antiviral substance secreted in minute quantities by a cell affected by a virus. The use of interferon is one of the lines of research in the treatment of AIDS.
INTERORGASMIC INTERVALS: Period of time variable for each individual and sex, in which it is impossible to obtain another orgasm.
IUD (Intrauterine Device): Plastic contraceptive device, usually associated with metallic copper filaments, placed inside the uterine cavity in contact with the endometrium, to reduce the risk of conception.
JAZZ: Apart from a musical genre, it means to copulate.
JAZZ ONESELF: Masturbate.
JERK OFF: Masturbarse.
JERKER: Pajillero, persona a quien le gusta mucho masturbarse.
JUGGLE: To copulate.
JUGS: Woman’s breasts.
JUICE: To sexually arouse a woman.
KAMASUTRA: The Kama Sutra, Hindu love text, has suggestive names for the different postures and indicates many ways for men to increase their sexual vigor, through foods such as milk and honey, which have always been recognized as a source of drive and energy. This text is the oldest treatise on the art of love or sexual love, which ancient civilizations decided to write down and pass on from generation to generation. In it are compiled the attributes that for the Hindus (creators of the Kama Sutra) were, are and will be as necessary as food and water. These techniques were gathered around 500 A.D. thanks to the scientific-doctrinal Vatsyayana, who gathered the 1000 original chapters and adapted them to western customs. Although the reading at times seems morbid according to the western vision, we must understand that within the Hindu context sex was considered sacred and they did not interpret the words as obscene but simply expressed things by their name; they also argued that a good understanding of the techniques pointed to a better quality of life both physically and spiritually.
KAPOSI SARCOMA: It is a malignant tumor characterized by the appearance of purple plaques and nodules on the skin, especially in men. This disease also affects the deep organs. It is associated with AIDS.
LIBIDO: Sexual urge or desire.
LIMBIC SYSTEM: Organization of neurons, nerve fibrils and chemical intermediaries located in the intimacy of the brain very close to the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. This system is considered the “heart” of the emotions. From there, all digestive functions, secretion, hydric metabolism, arterial and venous pressure, as well as anger, rage and aggressiveness in general, are governed in an automatic and involuntary way. There are limbic centers that, experimentally excited, provoke sexual desire and different reactions linked to eroticism.
MALE PRESERVATIVE: A barrier method of contraception consisting of a sheath made of latex or other synthetic compounds and placed on the penis to prevent the passage of semen and avoid fertilization.
MASOCHISM: Paraphilia, a form of compulsive sexual behavior in which a person feels pleasure only when another person causes physical pain.
MASTURBATION: Stimulation of one’s own sexual organs, mutual masturbation occurs when both partners stimulate each other’s sexual organs.
MATRIX: Uterus.
MENARCHE: First menstruation in a woman’s life.
MENOPAUSE: Period of sexual hormonal decline in a woman’s life, coincides with the cessation of menstruation due to the absence of estrogenic stimulation of the uterus.
MENOPAUSE AND SEXUALITY: Alterations in sexual desire attributable to different causes, generally related to hormonal deficiency, but not excluding the psychological context, couple, etc…
MENSTRUAL CYCLE: Period of time between two menses, menstrual bleeding indicates the first day of the cycle, which corresponds to the uterine endometrial response to the cyclical regulation of ovarian hormone secretion.
MENSTRUATION: Monthly breakdown of the lining of the uterus that occurs when no fertilized egg has implanted in it.
MORNING-AFTER PILL: A birth control pill that contains a very high dose of hormone and can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 72 hours after intercourse.
MOUNT OF VENUS: Woman’s pubis.
MYTH: Legend type story, traditional, created anonymously in the heart of the people and, therefore, expression of their collective feeling. It is a narrative constructed and transmitted through generations. In this case, we use the expression myth to refer to the existing falsehoods in relation to sexual matters.
NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS: Procedure of having sexual intercourse exclusively on the infertile days of a woman’s cycle to make conception difficult.
NATURAL CONTROL OF NATALITY: A means of avoiding pregnancy by abstaining from sexual intercourse on the days of the menstrual cycle when conception is possible. Also called “rhythm method”, a term for the calendar, cervical mucus secretion and basal temperature methods used to determine the days when intercourse is least likely to lead to pregnancy.
NECROPHILIA: It is a paraphilia characterized by a sexual attraction to corpses.
NIPPLE: Protruding part of the breast, centred within the areola, exit area of the lactiferous ducts and sucking area for suckling the newborn. Important erogenous zone that becomes erect during sexual arousal.
NOCTURNAL EMISSION: Involuntary ejaculation during sleep, common during sexual development (adolescence) and associated with very low sexual activity in adults.
NULLIGRAVIDA: A woman who has never been pregnant.
ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE: Medicine used by women to reduce the risk of conception, usually by blocking ovulation (hormonal contraceptives). These drugs, based on synthetic estrogens and progestogens, block the woman’s ovulatory capacity, preventing pregnancy (anovulatory pill), or hindering sperm migration by increasing the viscosity of the uterine cervical mucus.
ORAL SEX: Use of the mouth and tongue to stimulate a partner’s genitals. Also called oral-genital sex, it includes cunnilingus and fellatio.
ORGASM: The most intense stage (climax) of sexual arousal with extremely pleasurable sensations, which in men usually includes ejaculation.
OVARIALGIA: Pain in one ovary.
OVARIECTOMY: Surgical removal of an ovary.
OVARIOCYESIS: Ovarian pregnancy.
OVARY: Female sex gland that produces eggs and the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.
OVIDUCT: Fallopian tube.
OVULATION: Monthly release of an egg from one of the ovaries. The egg enters the fallopian tubes where it awaits fertilization by a sperm.
OVUM: Mature female sex cell of the GRAAF follicle.