The kiss is the first contact with our new partner. And that first contact can be so important that we can decide whether or not to go on a second date based on it. Perhaps women are the ones who give more importance to that first kiss.

The first kiss can be quite worrying for very shy people, who are extremely afraid of being rejected. Here’s a little tip for them: If you want to be sure that your kiss will be reciprocated, take one of your new partner’s hands and place it between yours. If he/she withdraws it, wait for a better occasion. But if he/she allows this contact for a few minutes and even places his/her other free hand between yours, go for that kiss. Many people, especially the youngest (and most passionate), confuse the action of kissing with that of stamping: purely a linguistic exercise. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Kissing is all about feeling, and we kiss completely intuitively, as it is not a subject at school. But within that intuition, there are certain logical guidelines to bear in mind, for example:

  • If you are in a public place, avoid making sounds. It is not very pleasant to go to the cinema and hear the slurping of the couple next to you.
  • Watch your breath. Especially if one of you smokes, kissing can be like licking an ashtray.
  • If you both wear glasses, take them off before kissing your partner.
  • And always, always swallow before kissing “with tongue”. Wet kisses are all very well, but no one likes dripping kisses.

And now let’s move on to the different types of kissing. We will leave aside, of course, those little kisses that we give out of commitment to family and acquaintances, and that make more noise than anything else. Those don’t count.

El beso, el primer contacto con nuestra pareja

The “tongue-less” kisses

They are the most sensual. But you shouldn’t limit yourselves to “mouthing” lips against lips. Play with them. Catch one of your partner’s lips with yours. Kiss the corners of their mouth. Spread all over their face, their cheeks, their forehead, their eyelids… Brush their lips with the tip of your tongue (without inserting it into their mouth) between kisses.

Kissing “with tongue

They are more sexually charged. If they are given properly, of course. If not, they are almost stomach-churning and we know who we will never go out with again. Because they don’t consist of “sticking your tongue down your throat”, as many people think. You should also bear in mind that your partner may like to breathe from time to time, so we should not overwhelm you with kisses that are too long and too deep.

When you kiss “with tongue” start by inserting the tip of your tongue gently into their mouth to caress your partner’s tongue. Play inside their mouth. Caress their teeth, the roof of their mouth, explore their mouth. But allow your partner to play in yours as well.

It is best to alternate the two types of kissing to make it sensual and sexual at the same time.

Kissing can be considered a sign of love, so don’t forget to kiss your partner as often as possible.

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